Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Graduation Day!!!!!!

----- from physical therapy that is. And I'm now on my way baaaaaaaaack!

Who would ever believe that it was possible to get a "runner's high" from a 5 minute, 5.2 mph jog on a treadmill? Well, I sure didn't. But today, that's exactly what happened. For the first time since running the ING Miami Half-Marathon on January 25th of this year, 9 1/2 weeks ago, and 8 weeks and 2 days since my snow-boarding injury (torn calf muscle), I finally got to go for that short and slow jog on the treadmill. Wow! I can run again!!!

After that little "slow jog" test, along with a "strength test", my physical therapist announced that he was done with me and that I was cleared to start running again. Of course, with some limitations for right now. For the next week, I'm cleared for 10 minutes every other day (either outdoors for two 5 minute segments with a brief walk break in between or, 10 minutes straight through on the treadmill). And the following week, I can go out for 15 to 20 minutes straight through. If all goes well over these next two weeks, I can then start back on my normal ramp up toward marathon distances once again.

Refections: At 48 years old, getting injured plain old sucks -- and that's the only way I know how to put it. Getting sidelined and not being able to do the things I had become so accustomed to doing really took it's toll on me. Now I didn't break down or turn into a basket case, but I'd be lying to say that not being able to get my regular cardio fix from running didn't reduce my energy levels and didn't depress me a bit. It did. But I will say that with the help of an awesome physical therapy team, treatment and recovery plans were made, I stuck with those plans not missing one PT session, and thankfully, with the great support of my training buddies (who regularly called me names like "vegetable" which quickly, at my request, turned into Mr. Broccoli Rob -- thanks Tony!) am now back on the road to running again.

So, enough said. I'm on my way back and looking forward to once again being able to experience the true joy of some of the simplest and pretty darn inexpensive things in life: going out for a run, bike ride or swim. How cool is that! It's not the "economy stupid". It's good health and good friends that makes for a great life.


Jen Jones said...

Awesome! I'm glad you're back at it.

Missy said...

Yeah for graduating from PT! It does pay off in the end. So hard to get through mentally, though. Hang in there. It comes back real fast!

Newbie Runner Mary said...

Run John Run! Glad to hear you are back on track. Hey with your current limitations I can run farther and probably faster than you....

Bill said...

Someone pointed out to me that she thought the name Broccoli Rob was a misspelling. For clarity sake, I looked it up in Wikipedia and found this:

Rapini (also known as Broccoli Rabe (or Raab)) is a common vegetable in Galician, Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese cuisine. Rapini is classified scientifically as Brassica rapa subspecies rapa, in the same subspecies as the turnip...The flavor of rapini has been described as nutty, bitter, pungent, and "an acquired taste".

Sounds about right to me. Definitely an acquired taste. And, yes, a bit nutty.

EuroWayne said...

I'm late with the congrats John....sorry! I hear you are back into heavy duty training, like a 45 mile bike ride. Remember Grasshopper, be patient and your rewards will be plentiful and long lasting. Not being patient could result in ... well, you know where I'm going with this. Take care from one crip to another.